Are You Absolutely Sure?

The second quarter started while Dylan was out of town. We were on our final college road trip of the year (I hope) so I deemed it worthwhile that he miss yet another day of school to become inspired about his future.

The following Monday, on the second day of the second quarter, Dylan came home with no homework and nothing to do.

“I’m already all caught up,” he said. “There was surprisingly nothing to do.”

“Great,” I said – fully believing him.

On Tuesday, Dylan was having a friend over after school. “Did you get everything done for tomorrow?” I asked. “And did you talk to your teachers about any missing work?”

“YES, Mom,” he said. “I did everything I needed to do.”

“And you talked to all of your teachers about it? Are you absolutely sure?”

“YES!” Dylan growled, nearly biting off my head. “I talked to every single one of them! I don’t have anything to do!”

“Okay,” I said – mostly believing him.

The following day, I randomly checked online to see if any grades had been posted for the new quarter. Dylan was failing history, since he had turned in absolutely nothing, and he was missing two out of four precalculus assignments – one of which was already past due and could not be turned in.

The other classes haven’t posted any grades yet, or I am certain that Dylan would have more missing assignments.

I texted Dylan. I was vague, but I made my point. “The next time you want to have a friend over, I will think twice about it.”

He went off the deep end (via text). He assured me that, as usual, “I’m still making up some stuff…. but I know what all of it is.”

When I reminded him that he’d told me it was already done, he said – and I quote: “I did not say that. I said I had all the work DONE which is true. I did not say it was all in.”


From now on, I will not “fully” believe him – ever. Sadly, I will probably still “mostly” believe him more often than I should.

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