The Food That I Eat is Killing Me.

I don’t like doctors. No offense to them as people, but as professionals, I prefer to stay far away from them.

Unfortunately, my health was not … well, just not quite right. I had a virtual physical (body scan) years ago, so I knew I had a thyroid problem. So I started diagnosing myself with the internet. I actually did a pretty good job, and I learned a lot. But when I wasn’t really better after four years of self-treatment, I finally went to the doctor.

Why did I go to the doctor? Because I wanted to stay alive for my children. And I was getting the real feeling that I wouldn’t necessarily survive to the ripe old age of 100. So I went to the doctor.

From the internet and many, many library books, I knew that conventional thyroid medication often just makes the symptoms worse. I was interested in treating the underlying cause.

“I don’t want any pills,” I told her. “I want you to prescribe something called desiccated thyroid medication. I’ve already done all the research, and I don’t want to take synthetic hormones. They don’t work.”

The doctor was incredibly patient with my diagnosis (which had never been confirmed by anyone other than me). Unfortunately, she was not as patient with my treatment decision.

“If you want something natural,” she told me, “you need integrative medicine. The only kind of medication I will prescribe is synthetic.” So, after a brief exam which was supposed to be followed by blood work and more tests, I found another doctor.

This time, I went to a doctor of integrative medicine. The new doctor did an exam, an EKG, and took nine vials of blood. I filled out 30 pages of paperwork about my history and symptoms, and he ran a battery of tests. Then I went back later for the results.

They were not good.

They were not bad, though. Everything he found is potentially reversible, even my thyroid issue. But I have an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto’s. I have leaky gut syndrome. I am severely anemic and deficient in Vitamin D to such an extent that he gave me a Vitamin D shot right in the office. My adrenal glands have stopped working, which may explain my chronic fatigue syndrome. And if I don’t change my diet – like, today – my PRE-pre-diabetic condition could easily develop into diabetes.

Basically, the food that I eat is killing me.

To be fair, much of the American population suffers from the same stuff. But everyone is not quite so willing or eager to change.

I want to live. And I’d like to live to see my grandchildren.

So my diet needs to change – in a very extreme way. For the next several months – maybe years – I can eat virtually nothing other than meat and vegetables. An occasional handful of nuts or a piece of fruit won’t hurt. In addition, I will be taking so many all-natural powders and supplements that I will have to carry a bag of them with me everywhere I go.

But I am going to do it. In spite of the fact that I may never eat with my kids again, I may be able to watch them grow up. I might even get a chance to watch my grandchildren grow up. Who knows?

I am willing to try. Prayers for my success are gratefully accepted.

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