It Never Occurred to Dylan to Check Their Schedules.

After a rather spectacular two weeks, in which Dylan did everything that he was expected to do, consistently and responsibly – including his 1.5-hour study shifts and getting 30 signatures on a signature sheet that holds a total of 30 signatures – he decided to take a break this week.

That’s the only explanation I have.

He is back to complaining about his homework time, that he has nothing to do. Meanwhile, his online zeros have multiplied – especially in Spanish and Foundations of Technology, for no apparent reason. He’s stopped working in Foundations of Technology altogether, and has waited almost three weeks to finish a test in his government class.

“I really need a break,” he texted me, explaining why he couldn’t make up even one test at lunch time. He has play practice after school every day except one – and he said he plans to take the test that day.

His teacher, however, won’t be available that day after school. His case manager, too, won’t be available that day.

It never occurred to Dylan to check their schedules. Dylan just assumed that, since he was available, everyone would be sitting on pins and needles waiting for him to show up and take the test.

They were not.

Luckily, he has me: the mom, the secretary, the scheduler who thinks of such things.

The teacher emailed me about the test, and I got started fixing the problem – with no help from Dylan. He will be taking the test that day, with supervision, thanks only to his case manager, who arranged the whole thing after my prodding.

Dylan’s case manager has saved him more times than he can count – and he doesn’t even know it. I spent a good hour of my day on making this happen, and I’m sure it’s nothing compared to what she did for him.

So now, we’ll see if he remembers to show up and finish that test after school.

It will probably take him five minutes.

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