Dylan Could Create a Playlist for Anyone.

For some of Dylan’s college applications, he is required to have an in-person interview with college admissions staff. So when Dylan started applying to colleges, he also started making interview appointments.

One of these appointments happened mid-August, and we drove all the way to campus – and back – in one day. None of the colleges that require an interview are nearby. So it was a long day of driving.

Fortunately, for whatever reason, Dylan and I get along beautifully in the car. While we are constantly butting heads at home, we rarely have an argument when we are on a college road trip. And if we do have an argument, it usually is short-lived.

This trip was no exception. We were in the car together for twelve hours, with the exception of quick breaks and the interview itself. We had one argument that lasted maybe 15 minutes. For the rest of the time, we had nice conversation and lots of music.

Dylan doesn’t like to go anywhere or do anything without music. So driving is especially exciting for him, since he can listen to his own music for hours. On road trips, he actually creates playlists that he builds for my enjoyment. He uses his Spotify account (his favorite thing in the world) and creates whole playlists. Dylan knows that there are certain types of music I enjoy more than others, and he chooses those songs for me.

And, even though I often don’t know the songs, I truly enjoy them.

I think Dylan could create a playlist for anyone, even if he’s only known them for a short time. For his family members, he could create play lists that perfectly match our personalities. It makes me think – again – that Dylan’s career doesn’t have to be limited to performing.

On the way to the college, we did a mock interview, so that Dylan could prepare his answers to some common interview questions. One of the things I asked him was, “What do you like to do academically? What are your favorite subjects?”

Dylan was thoughtful for a second. Academics are not his strong suit. But his answer went something like this:

“I would say that my favorite class was TV Production. I originally took it because I thought it would be fun, first thing in the morning, to work on a show. But I really loved the class. I liked all the aspects of creating the show, and I liked learning to use the equipment. I also got to play music for the whole school, and I got to choose the music. I could take requests and play what people wanted to hear, and I really enjoyed having the chance to share music with the whole school.”

While Dylan could be a disc jockey, he could also keep learning what’s behind-the-scenes – on radio, for TV, or at a performance venue. He seems to have a knack and an interest in choosing things to entertain other people. Unlike when I was a teenager (and only wanted to hear what I wanted to hear), Dylan wants to share his love of music with the world.

It’s a beautiful thing.

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