A Test Like That Exists?!

No one wants to hear my woes, but I am still struggling with food.

I don’t mean “I’m on a diet” or “I’m craving chocolate.” I mean, my thyroid stopped working many years ago, and I am on a slow path of unstoppable self-destruction unless I cure it.

There’s no way to do this with medication. The entire Western world believes that if I take a pill (recommended by 99% of doctors out there), my symptoms will go away. And they will! Temporarily.

But the underlying problem will still be there. I’ve researched and read so much, I feel like I could open my own thyroid disorder practice.

I have worked with four doctors. The Chinese doctor gave me herbs which improved my health immediately. I had no idea I was sick until she showed me I could get better. Unfortunately, those herbs weren’t a cure as much as a symptom-reliever.

After that I went to a traditional doctor who, like most, offered me a pill. When I told her I wanted to take desiccated thyroid (a suggestion from a library book), she sent me to an integrative medicine specialist.

I worked with Dr. Leo for two years. Blood tests showed that I needed other help, too. I am feeling better than I ever have. But the doctor didn’t seem to care much about my individual case. He was throwing supplements at me the way someone might splatter paint on a wall and call it “art.”

He put me on a multitude of random diets. And he was giving me so many supplements, they didn’t fit into a single-day pill box.

So I tried another integrative health specialist. He told me that I should take a test to determine what foods were causing my autoimmune disorder.


A test like that exists?! The books and my other three doctors hadn’t mentioned it. Doctor #4 got me the test – but it took him two months to send a phlebotomist to my house to draw blood – and when she finally arrived, she didn’t take enough blood – so I never got my results.

So I did some more research and found out that there was an even better test, and I could get it myself, and pay less money. Within two weeks, I got the test, set up my own phlebotomist, and had blood drawn. Soon I should receive results with a long-term food plan.

So I said a little prayer the night before the phlebotomist visited, and I asked God: Please help me to finally figure out what I need to do to heal my body. With the amount of conflicting advice out there, and the number of relatively useless doctors I’ve visited, I figured it was time to bring in the big guns.

God answered immediately.

The next day, I went to the library and picked up a bunch of random books on thyroid care. And there in the stack was a book that – so far – has answered every, single question I’ve ever had. This book explains everything, and gives concrete advice on how to move forward.

This is not the first book I’ve read about thyroid disorders – in fact, it may be the 30th. But it is the first one that specifically addresses absolutely everything I need to know to naturally heal my thyroid. Finally. By the time my test results get here, I will be done with the book, and I can finally take a step forward instead of continuing to slowly die.

Thank you, God.

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