We Offer A Large Variety of Courses Each Year.
Dear High School,
I didn’t hear back from you about deleting the IBCP Video Production offerings from the course catalog. I would like to explain my concern.
Both of my kids wanted to take part in the IBCP Video Production program. Dylan was redirected toward Computer Science – which was a fine choice for Dylan. But for Shane, there are no other IBCP options.
Shane is planning to major in film in college. While I know that there’s a chance that he’ll change those ambitions, we are going to be searching for colleges in California and touring the best film schools in the country. If he really wants to have a career in film, this is the best way for him to do it.
When colleges look at individual transcripts, they know what different high schools offer. They will see Shane’s transcript and – because it is still listed on the high school website – colleges will assume that Video Production was actually offered as part of the IBCP program.
It will be impossible to explain why Shane’s schedule instead includes classes like Culinary Arts and Theater. It will look like Shane simply didn’t want to challenge himself with the IBCP option.
Shane’s high school obviously does not offer the Video Production program. Yet the IBCP Video Production program is still outlined in the course catalog.
Before the colleges see Shane’s transcript, I think it’s important that the Broadcast Media pathway – the one that doesn’t exist – is either REMOVED or OFFERED. Leaving it in limbo for seven years – which is what it has been since Dylan first expressed an interest in the program – seems like a very unfortunate decision for Shane, if not for the rest of the students who want to follow that pathway in the future.
Please let me know how you will proceed, so that I know what to expect with Shane’s college search.
Thank you.
After emailing our school’s IB coordinator, I received the following response:
I have been asked me to respond to your questions regarding the IBCP Program. Students in the Broadcast Media pathway participate in our Journalism Program. The course sequence is determined by county CTE programs that the county offers. We offer a large variety of courses each year in our course bulletin. Ultimately student enrollment determines if a class will run or not. Thus, courses may be in the bulletin and may not run due to low enrollment. This varies from year to year.
That was it. THAT was what she had to say in response to my plea.
Fortunately, our high school is spectacularly wonderful and supportive. The vice principal, who also received the above note from me, took charge and started removing Broadcast Media options from the course catalog and school website. She stepped up.
In other words, my begging was met with prompt, professional responsiveness in the most efficient way possible.
I get the feeling that Shane would have had no support whatsoever from the IB coordinator.