We Are Currently Plummeting To Our Deaths.

After allowing Dylan to drive Shane to the coffee shop, I was a nervous wreck. When I gave them the opportunity to go out together, the offer came out of my mouth before my brain could filter it.

I was terrified, and determined not to run up the road after them or text them to see if they made it to their destination.

Alas, my children know me so well. Twenty minutes after they left, I got a text from Dylan’s phone:

We drove the car off a bridge and we are currently plummeting to our deaths. Love you!

Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! (I replied, with five sad faces.) Wait, what bridge?

Idk I just know we fallin. Oh also Shane is drunk and I’m on meth

Well that won’t matter in a few minutes. But my stuff is in that car!

It’s ok I’m sure the police will pull it out when they pull the car out – jeeze this must have been a really tall bridge

indeed! I will miss you darlings! I love you very much!

I love you too!

Hello! (This was followed by a farmer boy icon, which meant that Shane had snatched Dylan’s phone.)

(I sent back a brown goat.)

That was Shane. He wanted to let you know that he said hi – apparently. Welp I think I see the water finally so I’ll see ya in a few decades!

goodbye dear ones. I will see you in the next world.

I smiled nearly the whole time they were gone. Thanks, Dylan, for thinking of me.

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