I See.
The Capitol was attacked; five people died. Hundreds more are under investigation – including police. There’s fear in the air as mobs are threatening the life of our future President.
From what I’ve gathered on social media, Trump supporters fall into one of two camps. Many believe that the Capitol attack was wrong, and that those Trump supporters should be prosecuted – but that their cause was justified, even if their actions were not.
Others have cheered what happened by focusing now on Twitter and Facebook and their “censorship” of the man who incited the worst attack on the U.S. government in more than a hundred years.
While I am not a fan of censorship, I don’t see our soon-to-be-former “leader” as a victim. He has the entire world focused on him – which is exactly what he wants. The world is literally in his hands, and the media is desperate for him to speak.
But his choice is, instead, to sulk. Twitter’s and Facebook’s acts of supposed censorship are trying to disperse the 88 million people who blindly followed our very own Hitler, in the hope that they will stop destroying the lives of innocents in their blindness.
And while I know that the whole Twitter/Facebook thing is legal because they are corporations with rules – blah blah blah – I also understand the anger. I easily see the ramifications of what those corporations are doing to our beloved social media.
But my point is… I see.
The longer this disparity continues, the more I believe that seeing is what matters. To me, it feels like the Trump supporters just don’t see.
They follow blindly. They attack blindly. They are blind to everything that Donald J. Trump is – and are following, instead, what they think he represents. Trump is a liar, a narcissist and a sociopath. He uses people for one purpose only: to build up his own ego.
His followers can’t save him; they can only listen – and act accordingly. And in doing so, they are exactly like Nazis following Hitler. They believe the lies, and they do what he says. They are “fighting” for him, even though they have never actually seen who he is.
It is this blindness that is actually destroying us. They are fighting for what he represents to them. They are fighting for an ancient America – one that simply excluded women and minorities. They want to relive the glory days of White Supremacy.
I get that. It’s easy to remember “glory” from long ago.
For example, I truly miss riding my bike without fear of being shot. I also miss everyone in my neighborhood speaking the same language, because it was easier for me. But those days were gone way before Trump pointed out the loss, and they can’t ever reemerge.
I understand the allure, but it’s not possible to get back something that no longer exists. Trump lied about that, too. And no amount of destruction or rage or other adult temper tantrums will ever change that.
But so many can’t see it. They can’t see Trump for the bitter old man that he is; they blindly follow whatever suits his agenda.
They want to believe him because it’s easier than opening their eyes and seeing the truth: that the United States is already great because of our forward progress, and that it will only get stronger if we all band together.
Instead, they’ve torn themselves away from the pack – threatening their very survival – and created their own pack designed specifically, by Trump, to attack the rest of us.
It’s the blindness that bothers me most.