Take Him Off the Stimulants.

On Monday, Dylan took his Strattera – now up to 54mg and still not having any effect on his attention.  Then he took what the doctor calls a “kicker” – 5mg of stimulant – the same one he took for years, until he became unreasonably moody and depressed.

So Strattera is an anti-depressant that is now being used to treat ADHD symptoms.  I guess the doctor figured that it would take care of the depression caused by the stimulants.

The doctor figured wrong.

Two days in a row now, Dylan has come home moody and irritable.  He hasn’t been like this in so long, I was stunned to think it could really be related to the medication.

But today when he called himself “basically a nobody” and then went upstairs and slammed his door – that’s when I realized that there is NO successful stimulant “kicker” in the world that is worth this.

I called the doctor 12 seconds after the door slam.

“I haven’t seen him like this since the last time he was on stimulants,” I told the doctor, via her secretary.

“Take him off the stimulants,” they told me.

So our trial is already over, faster than it really began.  And I have no hope for the future.

Odd how the stimulants can make me depressed.

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