Great News!

The first week of the semester is officially over.

Dylan started with a bang – being downstairs for breakfast on time almost every day, and doing work at home even though he’d been at school all day. He worked on assignments early, finished homework and turned it in when it was due, and finished at least one paper a full week early.

We were all rather astounded, although we’ve known for awhile that he could do it. We’d just never seen it happen for any length of time.

By the end of the week, I’d received not one, but two emails from his teachers. One said:

“I just wanted to let you know how much more organized Dylan is this quarter. He is asking me for assignments before they are due and turning in work early! I’m so impressed.”

The other one said:

“Great News! Dylan has been AWESOME during class.  He has done all his work. On Monday – he did his homework due Today, Tomorrow, and Friday!  3 homeworks were done early!!! WOW! He looked up the formulas and did it on his own. Nice Job Dylan!”

I nearly fell out of my chair. The promises we’d made in the contract were already coming true! Teachers are getting a new respect for him!

By Friday, it seemed as though he’d worn himself out. And maybe he had. He went skiing with the school ski club and slept long and hard Friday night. He had a long day singing on Saturday, and a full day with a friend on Sunday.

On Monday, I was worried that he might start off the week with a slump and a whine.

But no… on Monday, he got up and went to school ready to do it again! As usual, we shall see….

I hate to even admit it, but I am seriously hopeful. I feel good about this semester. I think he’s actually going to stick to his plan, and follow through, and do what he needs to do.

And we’ll be there praising and supporting him the whole time.

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