There’s Stuff Everywhere!

Several months ago, I started paying my kids to do the dusting and vacuuming in the house. Once a week, they tackle a floor. Dylan prefers vacuuming, and Shane prefers dusting, so it’s worked out well for everyone. Both kids are very thorough, and do a great job.

It’s worked out especially well for me.

In spite of the correct order for proper cleaning, sometimes Dylan vacuums before Shane dusts. One day, Dylan was doing just that, when I heard the vacuum turn off.

“Shane!” Dylan yelled. “You need to clean up all of this crap in the middle of the floor so I can vacuum! There’s stuff everywhere!”

There was stuff everywhere. I had been asking Shane for days to clean up the mess.

“Okay,” Shane said, running into the room where Dylan was vacuuming. He cleaned up the bulk of the toys from the middle of the floor.

The vacuum turned on again. Five minutes later, it went off.

“Shane!” Dylan yelled. “That one room isn’t the only room you were supposed to clean up! There are toys everywhere in here! There’s no way I can vacuum around this mess.”

Shane raced into the other room calling, “What toys? Where?” Then he saw his additional cleaning opportunity, and took care of it immediately.

I was sitting calmly in the other room, chuckling.

Dylan sounded just like a parent. I was so proud.

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