How Can He Do the Work if He Doesn’t Recognize the Assignment?

The quarter ends at the end of this week. This was the quarter where Dylan did everything for himself, and my job was to back off and say only positive things.

As we rounded the corner of the home stretch, I forgot my job.

I checked his grades. As usual, he has tons of 100%s and tons of zeros. He had a zero in Spanish – the class he’d just “fixed.” He also had eight zeros in history, five zeros in English, and six zeros in Computer Science, where he’d previously not missed a single assignment!

This usually averages out to “not college material.”

I started going off the deep end. I screamed at Dylan to fix everything over spring break. Quite honestly, he doesn’t know what is missing. I mean, he literally has no idea what the assignments described are.

How can he do the missing work if he doesn’t recognize the assignment?

This, in fact, is the crux of the issue. He always doesn’t know what it is – as if he slept through the class and couldn’t possibly be expected to know what they did.

Dylan doesn’t sleep through class. And he doesn’t do anything else during class (i.e., stare at his cell phone). Instead, his brain just shuts off.


He has two days left to make up everything. I am not holding my breath.

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