Forty-Five Minutes?!?

Shane was sick, and missed school, for two days.

Most of his teachers put an “X” in his grade book, meaning that his missing assignments were “eXcused.” It’s a good system, although Shane would still have to make up quizzes or tests from his absence.

His math teacher, however, put huge, glaring “ZERO”s in the grade book. She explained to me, early in the year, that otherwise, she would forget to make sure he does his work.

His grade plummeted from a high “B” to a “D” because of his two-day absence.

I sent her two handwritten notes and two emails, begging for an “X” in place of some of the zeros. I begged for her schedule, so that he could work with her to get caught up. She never responded, except to say that she was sick on Sunday so she couldn’t meet with him on Wednesday.

WHAT?!? That was totally unrelated to what I’d asked.

Shane talked to her, though, and she finally agreed to meet with him – five days later – for 45 minutes after school.

Forty-five minutes?!? 

I was incredibly frustrated. He had three quizzes, two homework assignments and two days’ work to make up.

So on the day he stayed after school, I went to pick him up. Furious, I went inside with the Wicked Witch of the West theme music blaring behind me. Shane had way too much to do to be given no leeway. And I had way too much to do to be ignored for a week!

My cell phone suddenly rang, catching me off guard as I ran smack into Shane’s teacher in the hall.

“Oh, it’s you,” I said, barely recognizing her, the Wicked Witch theme suddenly dropping away. “Where’s Shane?”

“He’s right there,” she said, pointing down the hall. Shane was trotting toward us. “He did some great work today. He got two of his three quizzes done, and all of his homework. His grade is now a 90% – an A!”

I was stunned. “He did all of that in 45 minutes?”

“Yes,” said the teacher. “I wish all the students could do that much in 45 minutes!”

I found myself thanking the teacher profusely for spending her time with him,  all the anger completely deflated.

And Shane actually brought up his grade.

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