What Will Happen?

Dylan went to school this morning on a new medication which, as far as I can tell, doesn’t alter his appetite, sleep cycle or (best of all) personality.

On weekends, we are accustomed to him being himself because he didn’t take pills on weekends.  But this new medication has to stay in his bloodstream to work.  It’s actually designed to help high blood pressure – but is also supposed to help him focus.  He takes it every night.  So this blessedly long weekend (three days) gave us a chance to see the new med’s in action.

It didn’t do anything.

The first time he took a stimulant, back in fourth grade, the effects were instant.  The pill gave him memory recall that he’d never had before – and it happened within 20 minutes.  He went to the bathroom at the nurse’s office and came out having memorized a 12-digit number.

He’d never memorized anything before, except how to spell his name and the alphabet, which we taught him via song.  He can memorize anything if it’s by song.  Too bad the teachers don’t sing.

We also sent him off today with a new routine, which he detests.  He will be staying after school four days a week, in the media center or a teacher’s classroom, so that he can keep up with his work, his homework, and getting things turned in on time.  There’s also an algebra teacher who helps kids with algebra – and has offered that assistance to the whole school.

Last night, I had a dream that Dylan met with the algebra teacher after school and learned all he needed to know about algebra.  He had so much fun with the new teacher, he went back every day.

This is the kind of dream I have.

Then I woke up at 5 a.m., unable to get back to sleep thinking about the new routine and hoping it will help.  So I’ve been up since 5:00 hoping we’re doing the right thing.  Change is so hard.

This is the kind of life I have.

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